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Friday, October 30, 2009


With trick-or-treat being tonight, and Halloween tomorrow, I realized I am running out of time for creepy treats! So, for snack today, I made the kids Bug-apillars. They are super easy to make, and took less than 10 minutes to put together.

You could probably figure out the recipe on your own, but if not:

banana, peanut butter, raisins, pretzels
Slice banana and put back together with pb in between.  Add pretzels for legs, and raisins for eyes. You could also use fruit roll up or licorice for a tongue, but I didn't have anything like that.

The kids were surprised by their creepy-crawly snack.


monika b said...

Very cute!! Looks like they LOVED their creepy crawly snack -- reminds me of when my mom helped us make jell-o creepy crawlers.

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