*****We've Moved! Please visit us at www.pinkcricut.com*****

Thursday, April 15, 2010
I am so excited.  I have been very hard at work tonight...After I got up my video, I uploaded my card to both scrapbook.com and cricut.com.  :) I also started a Pink Cricut page on Facebook!  You can join that page here!  I also linked my facebook updates to Twitter!  So, if you tweet...you can find me here

Oh, and I forgot to mention:  Tomorrow some of my favorite srappers and myself are getting together to craft!  I am VERY excited to get together with them!  What could be better?  Friends, Paper, Embellishments and Wine!
All in all, I think I have had a rather productive night--and have earned myself a nice night's sleep.  So goodnight, all!


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